Yesterday I received my housing description! I'm really thrilled because I will be staying in downtown Valparaiso, about a fifteen minute walk from my university. Many students in this program are staying the neighboring city of ViƱa del Mar, which is more of a tourist town and less historical than Valparaiso, so I'm pretty lucky! I will be living with a mother, Lilian, and her 16 year old daughter, Macarena. (Yup, like the song... Hey, Macarena!) The host mom's aunt and her son also visit often. They even have a dog "which is part of the family"! The description also says that, "They love to talk and meet as a family for every meal...On the weekends they visit their extended family." Sound familiar? :)
My address will be:
Aldunate 1620
Depto 204 A
Valparaiso, Chile
Feel free to send me snail mail, I'd really appreciate it!
Also, if anyone has skype my name is m+my last name.
One last thing that this post reminded me of. Lunch time is a big deal in Chile for the whole family. It's like the equivalent of dinner in the states, except a lot more family oriented. Not super formal as I'm sure you have seen by now, but still. I don't mean to steal all the wonder of experiencing something new, I just know when I was there, I would have liked to have had a little guidance. But then, a lot of the odd ball things that happened and many of the mistakes I made just led to more interesting memories.